The winter season is just around the corner and most of the people in Pakistan are planning their winter vacations. People prefer to visit the north of Pakistan as the breathtaking scenery with snowy mountain peaks and the pine trees on them covered with snow is always mesmerizing for the tourists.

Pakistan has a variety of places to spend winter holidays in the mountains to enjoy the snowfall. We have listed down some of the best places to visit in Pakistan during winters.

Malam Jabba

A dazzling hill station in the Hindu Kush Mountain Range, is likewise among the most ideal getaway destinations in Pakistan during winters. It is found nearly 50 kilometers from the capital city of Saidu Sharif. Malam Jabba additionally nests one the most famous ski resorts in Pakistan. The charming vacation destination draws an enormous number of local tourists as well as international visitors with the quantity of tourists expanding each year.

The Malam Jabba Ski Resort has a ski incline of around 800 meters. In any case, it is well known for its most noteworthy pinnacle slant, which is around 9,000 feet above sea level. Its chairlifts, which offer a spellbinding perspective on the snow-shrouded valley throughout the cold weather months, are likewise an adventurous vacation spot in Pakistan. Aside from chairlifts and skiing, the enchanting retreat likewise includes ice-skating arenas,too. The people who appreciate traveling can explore the two well known trails nearby, one of what begins around 18 kilometers from the ski resort and goes through Shangla Top while the other is found approximately 17 kilometers from the later track and goes through Sabonev Valley.

Malam Jabba is open the entire year and you will not experience difficulty tracking down great and comfortable hotels nearby.

Kalam Valley

Kalam Valley is one of the most mind-blowing spots to visit in Pakistan in December. Situated in the upper localities of Swat, Kalam is always the favorite spot for every traveler who explores the winters in northern Pakistan. It is known for its entrancing scene, icy lakes, hypnotizing stream, thick timberlands and glorious snow-clad mountain tops. To lay it out plainly, the unbelievable magnificence of this valley is sufficient to leave one absolutely stunned.

This incredibly gorgeous and adventurous location is located at an elevation of around 6,600 feet and is home to various cafés. For those who want to plan a trip to Kalam during winters, the temperature can decrease as low as 1 degree Celsius, which is as yet okay contrasted with the climate in many areas of Gilgit Baltistan.


The extraordinary town of Chitral in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the spectacular  spot to visit in Pakistan during winter. Attributable to the end of the Lowari Passage, perhaps of the most popular passage in Pakistan, this grand district is currently opened for the visitors around the year. Situated around 4,900 feet above sea level, Chitral is encircled by the great Hindu Kush range and is home to the Chitral Stream. Until 1947, this town filled in as the capital of the regal province of Chitral. It is presently the capital of Chitral Region, which additionally contains the popular Kalasha Valleys - including Bumburet, Rumbur and Biriu.

While exploring, Chitral is typically hard on visitors in winter because of heavy snowfall. Meanwhile Chitral has famous spots which you can visit and explore like Shandur Polo Ground, Chitral Museum, Shahi Masjid, and Ayun Valley

There are a few lodgings and rest houses situated in Chitral where you can stay. Moreover, assuming you travel to Chitral during mid-December, you may have the option to look at the brilliant and dynamic Kailash Winter Celebration.


This hill station is close to Islamabad is presumably the initial name that jumps into your head with regards to winter excursions in Pakistan. Located at the height of around 7,000 feet, Murree is one of the most famous end of the week escapes for those living in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore.

Encircled by lavish green pine timberlands and strong mountain tops, this beautiful station stays a traveler's area of interest. The charming climate, dynamic way of life and beautiful perspectives make Murree an optimal spot to spend winter vacations with family. Notwithstanding, when the year starts to approach its end, Murree transforms into a cold wonderland, with thick layers of snow covering the tall oak trees nearby.

Assuming you are searching for spots to visit in Pakistan during winter that are relatively close to your city, this amazing place is maybe your most ideal choice. Also, the climate in Murree doesn't get as cruel as in numerous other northern regions, making it effectively feasible to go even in winters.