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Bhakkar to Jhang Bus
Jhang is located in central Punjab and it is the capital city of the Jhang district. Bhakkar lies 146.0 kilometers away from Jhang. The road distance can be covered by taking the Bhakkar to Jhang bus, which operates throughout the day between the two cities. The Bhakkar to Jhang bus covers the distance between two cities in 3 hours and 10 minutes. The bus services providing services on this route are available on Bookme. You can book seats for the Bhakkar to Jhang bus anytime you want through the Bookme app or website. The information regarding the Bhakkar to Jhang bus is mentioned below. Take a look and book your seats through Bookme's seamless bus booking services.
Bhakkar to Jhang Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices can differ on the basis of amenities being offered by the bus companies. On Bookme, the Bhakkar to Jhang bus ticket price starts at 1,170/- PKR. These ticket prices are subject to change.
(NOTE: check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking.)
Bhakkar to Jhang Bus | Ticket Price |
1,170/- PKR |
Bhakkar to Jhang Bus Timing
Just like bus ticket prices, bus timings also differ on the basis of bus companies, as all the transportation companies have their own schedule to follow. So take a look at the Bhakkar to Jhang bus timings mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme before booking.)
Bhakkar to Jhang Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:15 AM | 11:40 AM |
Daewoo Express | 11:15 AM | 01:40 PM |
Daewoo Express | 01:15 PM | 01:15 PM |
Daewoo Express | 03:15 PM | 05:40 PM |
Bhakkar to Jhang Bus Booking
Bookme is a one-stop solution for all your online booking needs. Bookme's seamless bus booking services have made it easier for travelers to book tickets anytime they want; they can select bus services, bus timings, and ticket prices of their choice as well. You can get a Bhakkar to Jhang bus booking through the Bookme app or website. Just search up the route you are planning to travel, select the date and time of your booking, and book seats by paying for it through any online payment gateway. Bookme offers multiple online methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers as well. So choose the payment medium you want and get your booking done within a few minutes.