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Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Bus
The Chowk Qureshi to Lahore road distance is about 281.0 kilometers. The main mode of transportation between these two cities is bus. In Pakistan, traveling by bus is considered the most convenient and economical option whenever you are planning a trip from one city to another. The Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus takes approximately 4 hours and 13 minutes to cover the distance between the two cities. Lahore is one of the most significant cities in Pakistan and several bus transportation companies provide services on this route on a daily basis. The Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus services are available on Bookme, where you can book anytime from anywhere. So browse through this page and book your Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus right away!
Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices often vary due to bus services offering different bus ticket prices based on the amenities they provide on board. If you opt for a business class seat, it will cost more than a regular bus fare. Usually, the Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus ticket price starts at 1,830/- PKR. For more price information, you can take a look at the table mentioned below or browse the Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus ticket prices live on Bookme.
(NOTE: check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking.)
Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Bus | Ticket Price |
1,830/- PKR | |
2,130/- PKR |
Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Bus Timing
Browsing bus timings is an essential part of planning a trip. No matter where you are traveling, getting to know when the bus departs can help you plan your travel time and you can book seats accordingly. The Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus timings are mentioned in the table below. You can take a look at that or browse the bus timings on Bookme.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme before booking your ticket.)
Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Silk Line | 12:00 PM | 05:00 PM |
Silk Line | 10:45 PM | 03:45 AM |
Daewoo Express | 09:35 AM | 02:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 03:05 PM | 08:15 PM |
Daewoo Express | 11:35 PM | 04:45 AM |
Chowk Qureshi to Lahore Bus Booking
Bookme not only offers smooth bus booking services but also multiple payment options, which makes planning a trip a breeze. You can get the Chowk Qureshi to Lahore bus booking by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. You can search for the route, select the bus service of your choice, and book your seats after selecting the date & time of your travel. After choosing everything according to your choice, pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. So book your tickets now and get ready for an unforgettable journey with Bookme.