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Faisalabad to Multan Bus
Multan is famously known for its history related to sufism and saints, that's why it is also called the “city of saints”. There are hundreds of shrines and holy places called dargah of different holy spirited people. Faisalabad is located at a 3 hour drive from Multan and one of the main travel places for the people of Faisalabad is Multan. Faisalabad to Multan is fairly a short trip and there are many modes of transportation you can choose to travel from. Several people travel from Faisalabad to Multan for different purposes, mainly to visit these holy places or for some personal business.
If you are wondering, what is the best way to travel between the two cities and how much it costs, you have come to the right place. You can get all the details of the Faisalabad to Multan journey just by scrolling through this page.
One of the main modes of transportation for the people of Pakistan is traveling by bus. It is the most economical and comfy way to travel. Faisalabad to Multan bus operates daily on different schedules. There are several buses traveling between the two cities and they all provide top notch services. Some of them have business class as well, and provide facilities like AC, wifi, charging ports and free food. If you want a more luxurious experience you can opt for business class. The distance from Faisalabad to Multan is 244.2 kilometers which a bus completes approximately in 3 hours. You can get all the information related to Faisalabad to Multan bus on Bookme. This way you can compare different bus services and choose which is suitable for you.
Faisalabad to Multan Bus Timing
The bus timings of transportation companies differ from each other. They all operate on different schedules. If you are planning to travel, you must get to know Faisalabad to Multan bus timing beforehand. Pre-planning your trip and getting tickets before your actual day of travel saves you from a lot of trouble, moreover you can get tickets on your desired time because mostly bus tickets get sold fastly and you can't get tickets on time. In order to pre-book your tickets, you can check out all the available Faisalabad to Multan bus timings on Bookme.
Take a look at the timing of the bus operating from Faisalabad to Multan in the given table below.
NOTE: bus timing may change over time so make sure to check out the live timing on Bookme before booking your tickets.
Faisalabad to Multan | Bus Timings |
Khan Brothers | 07:30 AM |
Khan Brothers | 09:45 AM |
Khan Brothers | 12:00 PM |
Khan Brothers | 03:45 PM |
Khan Brothers | 10:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 04:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 09:50 PM |
Faisalabad to Multan Bus Ticket Price
After knowing bus timings, the next important step is to get to know the ticket prices of buses operating from Faisalabad to Multan. Faisalabad to Multan ticket prices can be dynamic and might be different for every bus service as it depends on the facilities they are providing. Some of the buses operating also have business class which have facilities like AC, wifi, and charging ports. You can browse all this information along with bus timings and choose the one according to your preference and budget. To make it more convenient for you, given below is the Faisalabad to Multan bus ticket prices of all the buses operating between the cities.
NOTE: prices can change over time due to factors like inflation so check out live ticket prices on Bookme before buying your tickets.
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
900/-PKR | |
1,350/-PKR |
Faisalabad to Multan Bus Booking
If you are planning a trip to Multan and want a pleasant experience without going all the way to the bus station just to get a ticket, Bookme is here to help you. You can get Faisalabad to Multan bus booking just by visiting the Bookme app or downloading the Bookme app. Browse all the information related to your travel, Bookme has answers to all your queries. Select everything according to your comfort and preference and get your tickets by paying online through multiple options provided by Bookme like easypaisa, jazzcash, bank transfer and debit/credit card. Get your e-tickets now and enjoy your journey with ease.