{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus

The Faisalabad to Sargodha road distance is about 131.7 kilometers. Sargodha is the capital city of the Sargodha division, located in Punjab, Pakistan. If you opt for the Faisalabad to Sargodha bus, you can cover the distance between the two cities in 2 hours and 3 minutes. There are many bus services operating on this route and you can find all of them on Bookme. If you are looking for seamless bus booking services and economical ticket prices, then proceed below and browse the Faisalabad to Sargodha bus ticket prices and get your booking done within a few minutes. 

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus Ticket Price

For budget-friendly ticket prices, you can browse Bookme and get amazing deals & discounts as well. On Bookme, the Faisalabad to Sargodha bus ticket price starts at only 840/- PKR. For more information, check out the table mentioned below for Faisalabad to Sargodha bus ticket prices. 

(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme.)

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express

840/- PKR

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus Timing 

The bus timings often vary due to different bus service schedules so make sure to browse all the available bus timings to get a ticket on time. The Faisalabad to Sargodha bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Take a look. 

(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme.)

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus



Daewoo Express

11:20 AM

01:05 PM

Daewoo Express

02:05 PM

02:05 PM

Daewoo Express

05:20 PM

07:05 PM

Faisalabad to Sargodha Bus Booking

Bus booking is now simpler than ever. Just download the Bookme app or go directly to Bookme’s website to get a Faisalabad to Sargodha bus booking. Choose the bus services of your choice, browse ticket prices and timings, and check out after paying through any online payment medium suitable for you. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer as well.