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Flights from Karachi to Najaf
Many people travel from Pakistan to Najaf, Iraq each year to visit its holy sites. From the shrines of different reputable imams to many ancient mosques and modern parks, Najaf has everything for everyone. Therefore, the demand for cheap flights from Karachi to Najaf is always high.
However, the flight distance between Karachi and Al Najaf or An Najaf is around 2,352 km. Well, it takes around 3 hours and 35 minutes to travel from Karachi to Najaf to cover this distance by air. Yes, the flight duration varies with every stop and airline available for the Karachi to Najaf route.
So, getting yourself an affordable Karachi to Najaf air ticket is a must, right? Bookme is the largest e-ticketing platform offering a wide range of flights from Karachi to Najaf and vice versa. With our website or mobile app, get the most affordable air tickets (domestic or international) in just a few clicks.
What Airlines Offer Flights from Karachi to Najaf?
Open our flights page and add all the required travel details including the departure as Karachi and arrival as Najaf. Then, click on the search button and a bunch of air tickets with varying details for your next trip to Njaaf will be visible on your screens. So, explore the following airlines that are offering flights from Karachi to Najaf:
- FlyDubai
- Qatar Airways
- Turkish Airlines
- Emirates
(Note: Availability and number of flights from Karachi to Najaf may vary for different days)
The key to getting the most discounts is to be flexible with your travel plan and compare all the available air ticket options to choose the most suitable one for your next trip to Najaf from Karachi. Of course, we have a diverse range of air tickets, from direct to connecting and from early mornings to late nights from all the renowned airlines on one page.
For additional discounts, subscribe to BookmeBro to enjoy more concessions for your flights from Karachi to Najaf right away!
Karachi to Najaf Ticket Price
The IATA code for Quaid-e-Azam International Airport in Karachi is KHI and for the Al Najaf International Airport in Najaf is NJF. On each ticket, the departure and arrival are mentioned in the form of these codes along with the Karachi to Najaf ticket price, duration, number of stops and name of stop. With Bookme, compare all the rates available in the following price range for Karachi to Najaf flights:
Lowest Karachi to Najaf Ticket Price Available | Highest Karachi to Najaf Ticket Price Available |
72,979/- PKR | 478,365/- PKR |
(Note: Always make sure to view the live flight rates and schedules for KHI to NJF flight booking)
With every detail and difference in the features of the air ticket, the price changes. So, it is better to explore what options are available before choosing your air ticket from Karachi to Najaf. Affordable flights without compromising on the quality of e-ticketing service seem great, right? Therefore, you should book all your air affairs from our website or app including the Karachi to Najaf flights today!
How to Book Cheap Flights from Karachi to Najaf?
Whenever you need to get yourself a cheap air ticket from Karachi to Najaf, the first step is to open Bookme’s website or app. Then, assess which month provides more discounts for the KHI to NJF route and then book accordingly. Certainly, every traveller can get a lower airfare in the following month for this route:
- March
- June
In addition to that, you can also use our filters to sort the price range, number of stops, duration or flight and airline choice for your next trip from Karachi to Najaf. Other than that, it is also good to view the air ticket price for all the days of the week near your date of travel to know which day will save more money for flights from KHI to NJF. Surely, you can save more if you book Karachi to Najaf air tickets on Thursday, so pre-book yours now!
Pay for Karachi to Najaf Air Tickets Digitally!
After comparison and selection, click on the Bookme button to add your personal information for your travel. Next, complete the KHI to NJF flight booking by paying for it digitally via the following mediums:
- Bank Transfers
- JazzCash
- Easypaisa
- Debit or Credit Cards
KHI to NJF Flight Booking
Once you are done with payment, you will receive confirmation via email and you are done with getting an enhanced KHI to NJF flight booking experience. In just a few minutes, you are set to have all the benefits of booking your flights from Karachi to Najaf from the comfort of your home.
For more savings, do not stop here, but explore affordable car rental, hotel reservations and other travel arrangements from our all-rounded platform.