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Gujranwala to Lahore Bus Ticket Price
Gujranwala is one of the main cities connecting to Lahore via motorway and the distance between Gujranwala and Lahore is 94.6 kilometers which is a 1 hour and 58 minutes journey. The best way to travel intercity is by bus. The average bus ticket price for gujranwala to lahore ranges between 400 to 900 PKR per person for one side journey.
Ticket prices vary from each other depending on the bus transportation company and the facilities they are providing. Take a look at the table given below for the ticket price from Gujranwala to lahore.
(NOTE: buses fare may vary so make sure to check live prices on Bookme.pk )
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
PKR 810 | |
PKR 480 |
Gujranwala to Lahore Bus Service
Numerous buses travel from Gujranwala to Lahore on a daily basis as it is the easiest and most convenient option for travel from city to city. Many bus companies operate on this route but not all provide good service, so here is the list of best bus services from gujranwala to lahore.
Daewoo Gujranwala to Lahore
Daewoo is one of the prestigious transportation services which makes sure that you have a comfortable and hassle free journey.the ticket price of one seat is 810 PKR per person, So when traveling from gujranwala to lahore the best option is daewoo express. They have different types of buses depending on the services they provide .You can easily compare all the prices and amenities at one platform of Bookme.pk.
Paklines Gujranwala to Lahore
Paklines is another one of the best transportation companies you can choose to travel. They provide all the services including air conditioning, charging ports and entertainment. The ticket price from Gujranwala to Lahore is 480 PKR per person. Which is super affordable and if you want more discounts you can visit Bookme app and website.
Gujranwala to Lahore Bus Timing
In order to have a smooth traveling experience you should always confirm the timings of your bus departure and arrival times. Take a look at the table given below:
(NOTE: Gujranwala to Lahore bus timing may vary so make sure to check out the live timing while booking your tickets)
Bus Service | Bus Timings |
Daewoo Express | 07:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 09:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 06:30 PM |
Paklines | 09:20 AM |
Paklines | 01:20 PM |
Gujranwala to Lahore Bus Booking
Gujranwala to Lahore bus booking is something you can do in just a matter of minutes. Simply, click on the Bookme website, select your seats, confirm, and have fun while traveling. You can pay for your e-ticket through jazz cash, easypaisa, debit/credit card and bank transfer. Go get your tickets now!