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Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus
The road distance between Gujranwala and Rawalpindi is about 211.8 kilometers. If you take the Gujranwala to Rawalpindi bus, the distance can be covered in 4 hours and 10 minutes. There are many bus services, like Daewoo Express, operating throughout the day from Gujranwala to Rawalpindi. If you want to book a bus from Gujranwala to Rawalpindi, then you have come to the right place; book your tickets on the spot through Bookme. Browse this page, to get to know the bus ticket prices, bus timings, and booking process.
Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
Bus services like Daewoo Express operate throughout the day on this route and offer economical ticket prices. The Gujranwala to Rawalpindi bus ticket price starts at 1,410/- PKR. The detailed Gujranwala to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices are mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: Check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking your ticket.)
Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus | Ticket Price |
1,410/- PKR |
Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
To get tickets on time, you should always check bus timings prior to booking your tickets so you can get tickets at the time you prefer. For your convenience, the Gujranwala to Rawalpindi bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Take a look and decide what time suits your schedule the best.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme before booking your ticket.)
Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 06:00 AM | 10:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 07:00 AM | 11:35 AM |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 12:35 PM |
Daewoo Express | 02:30 PM | 06:30 PM |
Gujranwala to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
Now you don't have to worry about visiting a bus station just to get a bus booking because Bookme is here to help you. Get the Gujranwala to Rawalpindi bus booking within a few minutes through the Bookme app or website. Choose the bus service, bus timings, and ticket price according to your preference. Confirm your booking by paying through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer and within a few minutes you will get your ticket confirmation.