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Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus Service
The Gujrat to Rawalpindi distance is about 170.1 kilometers. Many bus services provide transportation services on this route. If you take the Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus, the distance between the two cities will be covered in 3 hours and 29 minutes. Bus services like Daewoo Express provide services on this route throughout the day so you can easily get tickets wherever you want to travel. For more information, you can browse through this page.
Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
You will find the cheapest and most budget-friendly bus ticket prices on Bookme. The Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus ticket price starts at 1,120/- PKR. The Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices are mentioned below; take a look.
(NOTE: bus ticket prices might vary.)
Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus | Ticket Price |
1,120/- PKR |
Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
Bus services like Daewoo Express provide transportation services on routes like Gujrat to Rawalpindi. The bus operates almost 12 to 13 times throughout the day, so you can get any Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus timings that suit your schedule. More details regarding Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus timings are mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:25 PM | 12:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 05:25 PM | 08:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 03:25 PM | 06:30 PM |
Gujrat to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
The process of getting a bus ticket by going to the bus station and standing in a long queue is an old story now that you have a platform like Bookme. Get Gujrat to Rawalpindi bus booking by simply downloading the Bookme app or directly from Bookme’s website. Add your travel details and choose the bus service and timings of your choice. Proceed to pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. You'll get a ticket confirmation notification, and your booking is complete.