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Jhang to Faisalabad Bus
The distance between Jhang and Faisalabad city is about 103.7 kilometers. Several people travel to Faisalabad throughout the day and there are many bus services available to provide transportation services on this route. The Jhang to Faisalabad bus covers the distance between the two cities in 1 hour and 52 minutes. All these bus services are available on Bookme and you can book tickets anytime you want. The Jhang to Faisalabad bus timings, ticket prices, and booking process are mentioned below; check that out and book bus tickets from the comfort of your home.
Jhang to Faisalabad Bus Ticket Price
The ticket prices might vary depending on the bus service you choose to travel from. Usually, the Jhang to Faisalabad bus ticket prices start at 660/- PKR. You can also browse ticket prices on Bookme or from the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: check live bus ticket prices on Bookme.)
Jhang to Faisalabad Bus | Ticket Price |
660/- PKR |
Jhang to Faisalabad Bus Timing
Bus timings can vary a lot because every bus service has its own schedule to follow. Its best to browse bus timings before booking your ticket so you can easily decide what timing suits your travel plans. The Jhang to Faisalabad bus timings are given below. Take a look.
(NOTE: Check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Jhang to Faisalabad Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 09:45 AM |
Daewoo Express | 10:00 AM | 11:45 AM |
Daewoo Express | 12:00 PM | 01:45 PM |
Jhang to Faisalabad Bus Booking
Get a bus booking of your choice without the hassle of visiting the bus station. The Jhang to Faisalabad bus booking can be done through the Bookme app or website. Bookme lets you choose everything according to your preference. Choose the bus services, bus timings, and mode of payment of your choice. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, or bank transfers as well.