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Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus
The road distance from Jhang to Rawalpindi is about 384.2 kilometers. This distance can be traveled by either taking a bus or train. Many people prefer to travel by bus, which is convenient and budget-friendly. The Jhang to Rawalpindi bus takes about 4 hours and 35 minutes to cover the distance between the cities. As Rawalpindi is Pakistan's commercial and economic hub, many people travel to Rawalpindi for various purposes. The Jhang to Rawalpindi route is quite busy, so many bus services are available. You can find all these bus services on Bookme and book your tickets hassle-free. The Jhang to Rawalpindi bus information is mentioned on this page so take a look and book your tickets from the comfort of your home.
Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
If you want to secure cheap bus tickets, it's better to browse the bus services available on that route, compare the ticket prices of them, and choose the one that suits your budget. Usually, the Jhang to Rawalpindi bus ticket price starts at 2,360/- PKR. You can check out the Jhang to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices from the table given below.
(NOTE: check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking.)
Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus | Ticket Price |
2,360/- PKR |
Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
The best way to secure tickets at the time you prefer is to browse the bus timings at least a day prior to the actual day of travel. Check out the bus timing and avoid last-minute booking by getting the bus tickets on time. We have mentioned the Jhang to Rawalpindi bus times in the table below for your convenience. So take a look and get the bus booking without any hassle.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme before booking.)
Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 10:00 AM | 04:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 12:00 PM | 06:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 02:30 PM | 08:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:00 PM | 11:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 11:00 PM | 05:00 AM |
Jhang to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
If you want to get seamless and reliable bus booking services, then you have come to the right place. All the details regarding the Jhang to Rawalpindi bus booking are mentioned above. You can get the Jhang to Rawalpindi bus booking within a few minutes by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. Choose the destination of your choice, enter the date & time of your travel, and get the bus booking in just a few clicks. You can also pay for your ticket through online payment methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, and bank transfer as well. So get your booking now and enjoy a stress-free and pleasant journey.