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Karachi to Chakwal Bus Service
The road distance between Karachi and Chakwal is about 1293.4 kilometers, which can take up to 15 hours and 53 minutes if you travel by bus or car. You can either drive all the way to Chakwal from Karachi or opt for public transportation. There are several bus companies operating between the two cities that provide comfort and luxurious travel experiences. Bookme has all the available Karachi to Chakwal bus services on board, and you can get any bus service of your choice at any time. So just explore this page to find all the essential information regarding the Karachi to Chakwal bus service, ticket prices, and much more.
Karachi to Chakwal Bus Ticket Price
Ticket prices for a bus are usually very economical, but for long-distance journeys, it can be quite expensive. On Bookme, you will find affordable Karachi to Chakwal bus ticket prices with amazing deals and discounts. The Karachi to Chakwal bus ticket prices start at 5,500/- PKR.
(NOTE: ticket prices change quite often so make sure to check live prices on Bookme.)
Karachi to Chakwal Bus | Ticket Price |
5,500/- PKR |
Karachi to Chakwal Bus Timing
Bus timings are the most essential part of planning a long-distance journey. Deciding when to depart so you can get a ticket for that time can be quite a hassle, but not when you have a platform like Bookme. Given below are all the available Karachi to Chakwal bus timings. Take a look or browse directly from the Bookme app.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Karachi to Chakwal Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Adil Express | 09:00 AM | 02:05 AM |
Adil Express | 03:00 PM | 08:05 PM |
Adil Express | 09:00 PM | 02:05 AM |
Karachi to Chakwal Bus Booking
Get Karachi to Chakwal bus booking anytime you want, just by visiting the Bookme website or by downloading the Bookme app. Just enter all the essential travel information, i.e., departure and arrival points, the date of your travel, and select the bus service you want. After choosing everything according to your preference, proceed to the checkout option and pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer.