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Karachi to Colombo Flights
Karachi is the most populous city in Pakistan and Colombo is the most populous one in Sri Lanka. Also, many people want to travel through the Karachi to Colombo route. Therefore, it is a common question, how long does it take to fly from Karachi to Colombo, Sri Lanka? And, the answer is that it takes around 2,415.63 km (1,501 miles).
So, booking discounted Karachi to Colombo flights is the only way to make this commute comfortable. But again, the question is how long is the flight from Karachi to Colombo. This is why, everyone should book Karachi to Colombo flights through Bookme.
With our website or App, you can get your hands on all the travel details including the duration, air ticket cost, airlines, available stops etc. for your next flight to Colombo from Karachi. Moreover, we are a one-stop solution to all travel and entertainment ticket bookings including services like car rental service, hotel bookings, bus ticket and much more.
Karachi to Colombo Ticket Price
The IATA code for Karachi is KHI and for Colombo is CMB. Simply, put these codes or the city names on our flights page, along with all the other details. Then, a pool of options with varying Karachi to Colombo ticket price will be visible on your screen.
Following are the price range available to book your next flight to Colombo from Karachi:
Lowest Karachi to Colombo Ticket Price Available | Highest Karachi to Colombo Ticket Price Available |
86,098/- PKR | 965,910/- PKR |
(Note: Always make sure to view the live flight rates and schedules as they are updated in real time on our platform)
Whenever you are opting for an online booking process, make sure to get it from the best platform - Bookme. Compare all the Karachi to Colombo flights available with every detail including the fact, whether it is refundable or non-refundable. Of course, you can click on the air ticket option that suits you and you will also get to know the boarding and arrival airport of your flight.
Which Airline Offers Karachi to Colombo Flights?
With every different airline, the air ticket cost is also different. Following are the airlines that operate on the Karachi to Colombo route:
- Etihad Airways
- SriLankan Airlines
- Oman Air
- Pakistan International Airlines
- Qatar Airways
- Emirates
- Turkish Airlines
Do not stick to only one airline and make sure to check the airfare offered by each one of them. Now, book your flights by scrolling through all the available options and viewing its beneficial features.
How to Get A Cheap Karachi to Colombo Ticket Price?
The first tip is to always book your air affair from Bookme as we offer the best e-ticketing service in Pakistan and affordable flights across the globe. Secondly, you should explore the rates available on different dates and months to know which one has a more discounted price for your Karachi to Colombo flights.
Surely, March and May are the months that may have a cheaper Karachi to Colombo ticket price for every traveller. Furthermore, view all the varying air costs before confirming your KHI to CMB flight booking. Most probably, Sunday is the day that will let you book your air ticket at a lower rate from Karachi to Colombo.
Lastly, you should subscribe to BookmeBro to avail yourself of major discounts along with a major 2% off on your return tickets. Thus, you can complete your Karachi to Colombo flights reservation in just a few clicks by paying for it via our digital payment options such as JazzCash, Easypaisa, Bank Transfers, and Credit/Debit Cards.
Karachi (KHI) to Colombo (CMB) Flight Booking
Get an elevated Karachi (KHI) to Colombo (CMB) flight booking done in minutes through our website or App. All the best prices with a diverse range of Karachi to Colombo flight schedules are available on our all-rounded platform, so, book your tickets today!