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Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus
Chowk Bahadurpur is located in the Rahim Yar Khan district and the distance from Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur is about 305.1 kilometers. You can opt for bus service to travel as a mode of transportation between these two cities, as several people travel by bus because it's cheap and convenient. The Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur bus completes the journey in 3 hours and 28 minutes. If you are traveling to Chowk Bahadurpur and are looking for cheap bus tickets, then you have come to the right place. The Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur bus details are mentioned below.
Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices are available on Bookme. On Bookme, the Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur bus ticket price starts at 2,120/- PKR. These ticket prices can vary so always check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary.)
Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus | Ticket Price |
2,120/- PKR |
Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Timing
The bus timings might change due to weather conditions or other factors like the bus company changing the schedule so check live bus timings on Bookme for the latest bus timings. Moreover, the Khenwal to Chowk Bahadurpur bus timings are given in the table below. Take a look.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 01:30 PM | 05:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 02:30 PM | 06:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:30 PM | 09:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 07:30 PM | 11:05 PM |
Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Booking
Forget the hassle of standing in long queues or visiting a bus station just to get bus tickets when you can book tickets online without any inconvenience. Bookme offers a completely seamless booking process where you can choose everything according to your choice. The Khanewal to Chowk Bahadurpur bus booking can be done through the Bookme app or website, whichever is feasible for you. You can also pay for your ticket through any online payment gateway you want, which includes JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, or bank transfers. So what are you waiting for? Book your tickets today for a seamless and stress-free travel experience.