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Khanewal to Lahore Bus
The distance between Khanewal and Lahore is 309 kilometers. Numerous people travel daily from Khanewal to Lahore for various purposes. The whole journey takes about 4 to 5 hours. The travel time mainly depends on traffic and road conditions. The most preferable way of traveling from Khanewal to Lahore is via bus.It costs less and you can have a comfortable journey. It is very necessary to book your tickets in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
Taking a bus from Khanewal to Lahore is the most convenient and easy way to travel because it costs way less than driving all by yourself to lahore. So many bus transportation companies travel throughout the day from Khanewal to Lahore on a daily basis catering different preferences and budgets. You can select the one according to your preference and affordability.
You can take a look at the bus services operating from Khanewal to lahore mentioned below:
Daewoo Khanewal to Lahore
If you want a smooth journey without any trouble or inconvenience ,you should travel with Daewoo express. They provide premium services like air conditioning, charging spots and for entertainment they also have movies and books on board. Daewoo has an economical ticket price range that suits all budgets.The ticket price of daewoo from Khanewal to Lahore is 1,830 PKR per person. You can avail discounted prices by using Bookme.pk.
Khanewal to Lahore Bus Ticket Price
Ticket price of Khanewal to Lahore is different for different bus services. You can take a look at the price range given in the table below.
(NOTE: buses fare may vary so make sure to check live prices on Bookme.pk )
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
Daewoo Express | PKR 1,830 |
Khanewal to Lahore Bus Timing
The last and one the most important step of your travel is deciding which time is suitable for your journey and what are the timings of buses operating from Khanewal to lahore. You can easily get all this information by just clicking on the Bookme app or website. Given below is the table with all the information of bus timings going from Khanewal to Lahore.
(NOTE: timing may vary so make sure to check out the live timing while booking your ticket on Bookme app and website)
Bus Service | Bus Timings |
Daewoo Express | 12:15 PM |
Daewoo Express | 01:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 02:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 07:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 10:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 01:30 PM |
Khanewal to Lahore Bus Booking
You can easily book your e-ticket through Bookme.pk. Just click on the Bookme app or visit the website and book everything according to your preference. You can also pay through online methods like easypaisa, jazz cash, debit/credit card and bank transfer.