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Khanewal to Okara Bus
Khanewal is located in the Khanewal District of Punjab province. The two cities Khanewal and Okara are separated by a distance of 168.2 kilometers. Traveling from one city to another frequently can get quite hectic if you don't use the right mode of transportation. In Pakistan, many locals use public transport, such as bus services for city-to-city travel. If you opt for the Khanewal to Okara bus, the distance between these two cities can be traveled in 2 hours and 39 minutes. Traveling by bus is not only fuel efficient but also very cheap. You can find the best deals and discounts on bus services through Bookme. The Khanewal to Okara bus information is mentioned below; take a look and book your tickets right away.
Khanewal to Okara Bus Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices vary for every bus service, as many bus transportation companies have expensive ticket prices and some offer economical ticket prices. Usually, the Khanewal to Okara bus ticket price starts at 900/- PKR. You can take a look at the Khanewal to Okara bus ticket prices mentioned below.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary so check the latest ticket prices on Bookme.)
Khanewal to Okara Bus | Ticket Price |
900/- PKR |
Khanewal to Okara Bus Timing
To get your preferred bus seats, you should always browse bus timings prior to booking a bus ticket. You can browse through the bus timings and choose the one that matches your schedule. The Khanewal to Okara bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Check that out.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary so check the latest bus timings on Bookme.)
Khanewal to Okara Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:15 AM | 12:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:10 PM | 06:55 PM |
Khanewal to Okara Bus Booking
Hassling through different websites just to get your preferred seats? Well, it won't be a struggle anymore, thanks to Bookme. Get Khanewal to Okara bus booking through the Bookme app or website. The seamless bus booking process makes sure you get to choose everything according to your choice. Bookme also has multiple online payment methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers as well. So get your tickets now through Bookme without any inconvenience or extra hassle.