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Lahore to Bhakkar Bus
Bhakkar lies on the left side of the Indus River in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The distance from Lahore to Bhakkar is about 388.6 kilometers. Usually, the main form of transportation between the two cities is traveling by bus. Many top-notch bus services like Daewoo Express provide transportation facilities on this route. The Lahore to Bhakkar bus takes about 5 hours and 52 minutes to cover the distance between the two cities. You can avail yourself of seamless transportation services on Bookme as well as economical ticket prices. The Lahore to Bhakkar bus information is mentioned below so take a look and book your tickets without any hassle.
Lahore to Bhakkar Bus Ticket Price
Bookme has all the available bus services operating from Lahore to Bhakkar. All the bus services have different ticket prices. Usually, the Lahore to Bhakkar bus ticket price starts at 2,270/- PKR. You can check out the Lahore to Bhakkar bus ticket prices from the table mentioned below as well.
(NOTE: Bus ticket prices might vary.)
Lahore to Bhakkar Bus | Ticket Price |
2,270/- PKR |
Lahore to Bhakkar Bus Timing
The bus timings might vary depending on the bus service. You can check out the Lahore to Bhakkar bus timings from the table mentioned below. Keep in mind bus timings might vary depending on the bus schedule.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Lahore to Bhakkar Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM | 02:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 12:00 PM | 05:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:30 PM | 11:15 PM |
Lahore to Bhakkar Bus Booking
The bus booking has become easier than ever now because of Bookme. Get Lahore to Bhakkar bus booking from the comfort of your home by downloading the Bookme app or visiting its website. Search up the Lahore to Bhakkar route, choose bus timing and date. Pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card or bank transfer. In just a few minutes your booking will be done and you can travel without any inconvenience.