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Lahore to Faqirwali Bus
Faqirwali is a small town located in Bahawalnagar district of Punjab in Pakistan. The distance between Lahore and Faqirwali is almost 326.5 kilometers. There are many modes of transportation if you want to travel between these two cities but the most accommodating and economical option is traveling by bus. It takes approximately 5 hours and 48 minutes for Lahore to Faqirwali bus to reach its destination. As there are many bus companies traveling on the same route, you have plenty of options to choose from. You can browse all the available Lahore to Faqirwali bus services, compare their ticket prices and timings and choose the best option for yourself on Bookme.
To make it easier for you, we have gathered all the available bus options traveling on this route so you can get all the information at one place.
Lahore to Faqirwali Bus Ticket Price
Bus ticket prices vary for every bus service. It mainly depends on the services a transportation company is providing. Some bus services have AC and meals on board for long distance journeys so they might charge extra. The average Lahore to Faqirwali bus ticket prices range from 1600/-PKR to 1800/-PKR. Buses like Niazi Express are the ones operating on these routes on a daily basis. For a detailed list of Lahore to Faqirwali bus ticket prices, scroll down and take a look at the given table below.
NOTE: bus ticket prices might vary over time so make sure to check out the exact ticket prices on Bookme app or website.
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
Niazi Express | 1,750/-PKR |
Lahore to Faqirwali Bus Timing
Bus timings are mostly dynamic and they operate on a day to day schedule. Every bus transportation company has a different schedule on which they operate. If you are looking for Lahore to Faqirwali bus timings, you have come to the right place. We have gathered the full schedule of all the available bus services operating from Lahore to Faqirwali. All these timings are mentioned below.
NOTE: bus timings may vary so check out the live timings on Bookme app or website before booking your ticket for Faqirwali.
Bus Service | Bus Timings |
Niazi Express | 10:30 AM |
Niazi Express | 01:30 PM |
Niazi Express | 04:45 PM |
Niazi Express | 08:30 PM |
Niazi Express | 10:00 PM |
Lahore to Faqirwali Bus Booking
You can do Lahore to Faqirwali bus booking within a few minutes from the comfort of your home. Bookme provides online e-ticketing services to its users through which you can book your bus tickets and also get amazing discounts. Download the Bookme app from play store or app store, enter all the details regarding your trip, after that Bookme’s online portal will show you all the available bus services operating on that route. You can also book your tickets directly through Bookme’s website. Select timing and bus service of your choice, proceed to pay for your tickets through online payment methods which includes jazzcash, easypaisa, debit/credit card and bank transfer. After paying, you will get an e-ticket and you are all set to depart for your journey.