{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Lahore to Gujranwala Bus Service

Gujranwala is a district located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The distance between Lahore and Gujranwala is about 109.4 kilometers and one of the main modes of transportation between these two cities is through a bus. If you are a student or someone who has to travel frequently between Lahore and Gujranwala, then taking Lahore to Gujranwala bus is the best option to opt for. The Lahore to Gujranwala bus covers this distance in 1 hour and 50 minutes and reaches its destination Lahore. Several buses operate 24/7 on this route so you can find plenty of options of bus services to choose from. Take a look at the details regarding Lahore to Gujranwala bus service, its ticket prices and the booking process. 

Lahore to Gujranwala Bus Ticket Price

Bus transportation companies providing services on this route offer multiple ticket prices deals, from economy to super luxury seats, you can have it all. The Lahore to Gujranwala bus ticket prices start from 430/- PKR. These ticket prices might increase if you opt for more luxurious seats or premium services. Given below is the ticket prices table for Lahore to Gujranwala bus, take a look. 

(NOTE: bus ticket prices might vary so make sure to check live ticket prices on Bookme.)

Lahore to Gujranwala Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express




Lahore to Gujranwala Bus Timing  

Bus timings change often due to bus companies changing their schedules. So always browse bus timings through a trusted source like Bookme. Lahore to Gujranwala bus timings are mentioned in the table below, you can check that out or visit Bookme.

(NOTE: always check live bus timings in Bookme before booking your tickets.)

Lahore to Gujranwala Bus 

Bus Timings

Daewoo Express

06:00 AM

Daewoo Express

08:45 AM

Daewoo Express

02:30 PM


07:10 AM


09:00 AM


03:50 PM

Lahore to Gujranwala Bus Booking

Bookme Pakistan’s no 1 online e-ticketing platform not only provides you with the bus booking services but you can also browse different bus transportation companies and choose the one you prefer. Download the Bookme app or visit the Bookme website to get Lahore to Gujranwala bus booking. Choose everything according to your preference and get your booking done within a few minutes by paying through digital payment mediums. You can pay through Jazzcash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, and bank transfer.