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Lahore to Jhang Bus
Jhang is the capital city of the Jhang district in central Punjab, located on the Chenab River of Pakistan. Lahore is located in Punjab province and has a road distance of 273.2 kilometers from Jhang. The road distance between Lahore and Jhang can be covered in 3 hours and 31 minutes by traveling through the Lahore to Jhang bus. The Lahore to Jhang bus operates throughout the day and provides services to passengers traveling from one city to another. Traveling by bus is the most economical option in Pakistan, as not only is it convenient but also very budget-friendly. The Lahore to Jhang bus booking can be simply done by using the Bookme app or website. Bookme provides all the essential information you need to book a bus ticket for the Lahore to Jhang bus. Browse through this page, select the bus service of your choice, and book the Lahore to Jhang bus with just a few clicks.
Lahore to Jhang Bus Ticket Price
Bus ticket prices are often dynamic, as all bus services have different ticket prices. If you want a more luxurious option and travel in business class, the bus ticket price will be more expensive than a regular seat price. Usually, the Lahore to Jhang bus ticket price starts at 1,580/- PKR. For more details on Lahore to Jhang ticket prices, you can check out the table mentioned below or browse through Bookme.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary. so, check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Lahore to Jhang Bus | Ticket Price |
1,580/- PKR |
Lahore to Jhang Bus Timing
The Lahore to Jhang bus operates at least 8 to 9 times throughout the day; you can browse the bus timings on Bookme to get the tickets at your preferred time. The Lahore to Jhang bus timings are mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary, so check live timings on Bookme.)
Lahore to Jhang Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM | 12:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 12:00 PM | 03:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 10:30 PM | 01:35 AM |
Daewoo Express | 11:30 PM | 02:35 AM |
Lahore to Jhang Bus Booking
Get the Lahore to Jhang bus booking by simply visiting the Bookme website or downloading the Bookme app. Bookme provides seamless and smooth bus booking services where you can browse different bus services, compare ticket prices, and choose the best deal for yourself. How convenient is that? Just look up the route on Bookme Online’s portal, browse through the bus services on that route, and choose everything according to your preference. Bookme also offers multiple online payment options, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers as well. So get your bus booking now and get ready for a pleasant journey.