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Lahore to Kamalia Bus
Kamalia is a small city located in the Toba Tek Singh district of Punjab, Pakistan. It is among the most populated cities in Pakistan. The distance between Lahore and Kamalia is about 228.3 kilometers, which can be covered in approximately 2 hours and 54 minutes by traveling by bus from Lahore to Kamalia. So if you are traveling to Kamalia and want to get know how about ticket prices, bus timings, and the booking process, we got you. Please refer to the information provided below to find everything you need.
Lahore to Kamalia Bus Ticket Price
If you are looking for affordable bus tickets, then you have come to the right place. Lahore to Kamalia bus ticket prices starting from 1,000/- PKR. We have mentioned all the Lahore to Kamalia bus ticket prices in the table given below. Take a look.
(NOTE: ticket prices might change so always check live prices on Bookme before booking your ticket.)
Lahore to Kamalia Bus | Ticket Prices |
New Subhan | 1,000/- PKR |
Lahore to Kamalia Bus Timing
Bus timings are the most crucial part of traveling from one city to another. Lahore to Kamalia bus timings are often decided by the bus company itself. The New Subhan bus service operates every hour throughout the day. So we have gathered all the Lahore to Kamalia bus timings in the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Lahore to Kamalia Bus | Bus Timing |
New Subhan | 09:00 AM |
New Subhan | 10:00 AM |
New Subhan | 11:30 AM |
New Subhan | 01:00 PM |
New Subhan | 03:30 PM |
Lahore to Kamalia Bus Booking
Bookme offers you a wide range of e-ticketing platforms, where not only you can get your Lahore to Kamalia bus booking done but also you can choose everything according to your preferences. Yes, from bus ticket prices to the timing of the bus, you can choose whatever you want by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. Pay for your e-ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer, and enjoy the luxury of a hassle-free journey with Bookme.