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Lahore to Khanewal Bus
Khanewal is a small town located 316.2 kilometers away from Lahore. Several people travel from Lahore to Khanewal on a daily basis. Khanewal contains the 3rd largest railway junction in the country and holds significant importance because of that. The main mode of transportation between these two cities is the bus. People who travel often from one city to another find traveling by bus more convenient and cheap than other modes of transportation. There are many bus services operating from Lahore to Khanewal, as it is one of the busiest routes. If you opt for the Lahore to Khanewal bus, the distance between the two cities can be covered in 3 hours and 35 minutes. For more information regarding the Lahore to Khanewal bus, browse through this page and book your tickets without any inconvenience.
Lahore to Khanewal Bus Ticket Price
There are many bus services available on the route from Lahore to Khanewal; all these bus services have different bus ticket prices. The bus ticket prices mainly depend on the amenities present on some bus services. Usually, the Lahore to Khanewal bus ticket price starts at 1,450/- PKR. These ticket prices are dynamic so it's best to check live prices on Bookme, compare ticket prices of different bus services, and choose the one that suits your budget.
(NOTE: bus ticket prices might vary.)
Lahore to Khanewal Bus | Ticket Price |
1,500/- PKR | |
1,650/- PKR | |
Sandhu Power Transport | 1,450/- PKR |
1,470/- PKR |
Lahore to Khanewal Bus Timing
As there are several bus services operating from Lahore to Khanewal, they all have different departure timings, so it is important to browse all these bus timings so you can get tickets for the time you prefer. The Lahore to Khanewal bus timings are mentioned in the table below. For more information, you can check live bus timings on Bookme.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Lahore to Khanewal Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Silk Line | 09:45 AM | 01:35 PM |
Silk Line | 01:35 PM | 07:30 PM |
Silk Line | 12:00 PM | 03:50 PM |
Daewoo Express | 01:00 AM | 04:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 06:00 AM | 09:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 06:30 AM | 09:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 09:15 AM | 01:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 02:45 PM | 06:35 PM |
Sandhu Power Transport | 11:15 AM | 03:05 PM |
Sandhu Power Transport | 12:30 PM | 04:20 PM |
Sandhu Power Transport | 03:30 PM | 07:20 PM |
Rajput Travels Rathore Group | 12:00 PM | 04:50 PM |
Rajput Travels Rathore Group | 03:00 PM | 07:50 PM |
Rajput Travels Rathore Group | 08:20 PM | 01:10 AM |
Lahore to Khanewal Bus Booking
Bookme has made it easier for you to book a bus ticket from the comfort of your home. Now you don't have to visit hundreds of different sites just to get a bus ticket when you have a platform like Bookme. Get the Lahore to Khanewal bus booking by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. All you need to do is enter the departure and arrival cities in the search bar along with the expected date of your travel. Choose the bus service and bus timings. Proceed to book your ticket after paying for it through any online medium you want. Bookme offers JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers as the online payment mediums. After payment, you will receive an e-ticket, and you are all set to travel.