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Lahore to Khanpur Bus Service
Lahore to Khanpur distance is 567.0 kilometers, which means it's a 6-hour and 37-minute journey by road. For a long-distance journey like this, many people go for their personal transportation like cars, but if you're looking for an affordable and convenient option, then taking a Lahore to Khanpur bus is the best option you can opt for. Bus services like Daewoo Express and Warraich Express are providing services on this route, and you can easily book a ticket through Bookme.
Lahore to Khanpur Bus Ticket Price
Get cheap ticket prices and amazing deals on bus ticket prices through Bookme. Usually, for a long-distance journey, ticket prices are not very budget-friendly, but on Bookme you can get Lahore to Khanpur bus ticket prices at 2,200/- PKR only. Given below are more ticket prices for all the available bus services operating from Lahore to Khanpur.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary.)
Lahore to Khanpur | Ticket Price |
3,040/- PKR | |
2,200/- PKR |
Lahore to Khanpur Bus Timing
Bus timings often vary because of weather conditions or other uncertain factors, but you can easily find bus tickets of your choice on Bookme. Browse through the Lahore to Khanpur bus timings mentioned in the table below, and choose the one that suits your schedule.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary so check updated bus timings on Bookme.)
Lahore to Khanpur Bus | Bus Timing |
Daewoo Express | 03:30 PM |
Warraich Express | 10:15 AM |
Warraich Express | 09:00 PM |
Lahore to Khanpur Bus Booking
With Bookme’s e-ticketing platform, get any ticket you want within a few minutes from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is download the Bookme app, or you can directly get the Lahore to Khanpur bus booking through Bookme’s website. Select your departure and arrival points, select a date and time, and get your e-ticket after paying through an online payment gateway like JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. After payment, you will shortly receive a ticket confirmation notification, and your booking is done.