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Lahore to Khiderwala Bus
Khiderwala is a small town located near Faisalabad. The distance from Lahore to Khiderwala is about 187.9 kilometers. Most people travel by bus as it is the most economical option. The Lahore to Khiderwala bus operates 24/7 and provides services to people traveling between these two cities. The distance between the two cities is covered in approximately 2 hours and 22 minutes by the Lahore to Khiderwala bus. All the details regarding the Lahore to Khiderwala bus are mentioned below.
Lahore to Khiderwala Bus Ticket Price
Bus ticket prices offered by local transport are usually very economical. As in the Lahore to Khiderwala bus ticket price, it starts from 900/- PKR. You can avail deals and discounts as well from Bookme. Take a look at the table mentioned below with Lahore to Khiderwala bus ticket prices.
NOTE: ticket prices might vary so always check live prices on Bookme.
Lahore to Khiderwala Bus | Ticket Price |
New Subhan | 900/- PKR |
Lahore to Khiderwala Bus Timing
Bus timings usually vary depending on the bus company you opt for traveling with. So it's important to check out the latest Lahore to Khiderwala bus timings so you can get the bus booking on time. All the bus timings for Lahore to Khiderwala are mentioned below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Lahore to Khiderwala | Bus Timing |
New Subhan | 09:00 AM |
New Subhan | 11:00 AM |
New Subhan | 03:30 PM |
Lahore to Khiderwala Bus Booking
No need to visit different websites or bus stations just to get a bus ticket when you can do that from the comfort of your own home. With Bookme, you can easily get the Lahore to Khiderwala bus booking; just enter the route in the search bar, select the date of your travel, and hit search. Select the bus services, ticket prices, and timings of your choice. Confirm the booking by paying through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. After payment, your booking is done, and you will have an e-ticket for traveling.