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Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan Bus Service
Dera Ismail Khan is the 5th largest city located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is also locally known as D.I khan. Dera Ismail Khan is famous for being an agricultural hub, producing fine quality crops and mangoes as well. The distance between Mianwali and Dera Ismail Khan is about 114.1 kilometers. If you are planning to visit Dera Ismail Khan and want to know which transportation is best for the trip then we are here to help you. Getting Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus services is the best way to travel between these two cities. The people of Mianwali visit Dera Ismail Khan for various purposes, it can be a visit to beautiful fields of crops or a visit for some personal work, either way you can get all the information about traveling from Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan on this page.
The distance between these two cities is covered by Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus services, in almost 2 hours and 21 minutes. It's not a very long distance journey so there are many local buses providing transportation services to its passengers between these two cities. For more info you can browse through this page or visit Bookme.
Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan Bus Timings
Bus transportation companies operate at different times throughout the day. Even when a local bus travels from one city to another, it has multiple bus timings on which it departs from the city. This way you have multiple options to choose from as Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus timings are dynamic. While planning a trip from one city to another, no matter how much distance you have to travel, you should always pre-plan everything to avoid any unwanted inconveniences like traffic jams or not getting the bus ticket at the last minute because all slots are full. To plan a smooth journey, we are here to help you. Pre-book your tickets here after browsing the timetable and selecting everything according to your prefrence or download the Bookme app and get an e-ticket without having to visit the bus station. For Mianwali to Dera Ismail bus timings you should take a look at the given table below.
NOTE: bus timings can change due to factors like traffic jams, or weather conditions so make sure to check live bus timings on Bookme app or website before booking your tickets.
Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan | Bus Timing |
Niazi Express | 03:30 AM |
Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan Bus Ticket Price
In Pakistan, there's a huge bus transportation system, buses that travel locally and the buses which provide top notch luxury services for long distance routes. Bus ticket prices are often very economical and budget friendly so if you opt for bus service for traveling, you will most likely experience a fast and comfortable travel experience which is the best thing about traveling via a bus. The average Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus ticket price starts from 600/-PKR. These prices can vary depending on the bus transportation company you travel to because all the bus companies have different ranges of ticket prices so you should always check out the bus ticket prices of all the bus services operating on that route. To make it easier for you, we have gathered all the information regarding Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus ticket prices here, take a look.
NOTE: bus ticket prices can vary due to inflation or other uncertain factors so kindly make sure to check out the exact ticket prices before booking your tickets.
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
600/-PKR |
Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan Bus Booking
As you already gathered all the information regarding your travel queries, now you must be wondering about how you can have a seamless and easy Mianwali to Dera Ismail Khan bus booking experience. Bookme is here to help you out with that as well. You can either book your ticket directly from the Bookme website or you can download the Bookme app and get more information regarding your travel plans and choose everything according to your choice. Just enter your departure and arrival cities name with the expected date of your travel and Bookme will show you all the available bus services along with their ticket prices and timings as well. You can also avail more offers and discounts on ticket prices and updates on your preferred bus services by downloading the Bookme app. We are here to make your bus booking experience more convenient by offering multiple online payment methods, you can pay for your tickets online by using jazzcash, easypaisa, debit/credit cards and bank transfer as well.