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Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus
Chowk Bahadurpur lies around Rahim Yar Khan in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The distance from Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur is about 258.1 kilometers. Taking the Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus is one of the most affordable and convenient options to cover the distance between these two cities. The Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus takes approximately 3 hours and 7 minutes to reach its destination, Chowk Bahadurpur. If you are a frequent traveler and want an economical transportation option, then you have come to the right place. All the essential information regarding the Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus services is available on this page; browse through it and book your tickets right away.
Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices are mostly economical considering other modes of transportation. Usually, the Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus ticket price starts at 2,040/- PKR. You can check out the Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus ticket price mentioned in the table below. These ticket prices might change so for the latest price updates, visit Bookme.
(NOTE: bus ticket prices might vary.)
Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus | Ticket Price |
2,040/- PKR |
Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Timing
The bus timings depend on the bus schedule, and they might change due to uncertain factors like weather conditions. The Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus timings are mentioned in the table below. For the latest bus timing information, visit Bookme.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 05:15 PM | 08:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 08:45 PM | 12:00 AM |
Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur Bus Booking
Getting the Multan to Chowk Bahadurpur bus booking can be done through the Bookme app or the Bookme website. Bookme has made it easier for you to get the bus booking of your choice from the comfort of your home. Just enter the route details in Bookme’s online portal and it will show you all the available bus services operating on that route. Choose the bus service of your choice, select the date & time, and pay for your booking. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer as well. In just a few minutes, you will receive an e-ticket and you can travel without any hassle.