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Multan to Rawalpindi Bus
Multan and Rawalpindi are located 522.8 kilometers away from each other. Several people from Multan travel to Rawalpindi for various reasons, it can be a visit to friends/family, to explore the city or for some business purposes. To cover the distance between these two cities, there are multiple options of transportation, but if you want a reliable, safe and comfortable travel experience you can opt for the Multan to Rawalpindi bus. Traveling from Multan to Rawalpindi by bus is the most economical and comfortable option. You can cover the distance between these two cities in approximately 5 hours and 55 minutes.
If you are planning to visit Rawalpindi anytime soon and wondering which bus service is the best option for you, we are here to help you. Given below are all the available bus services operating from Multan to Rawalpindi, along with their ticket prices, timings and amenities they provide. So make sure to check that out and choose the best option for yourself.
Roadmaster Multan to Rawalpindi
Roadmaster is one of the well known bus companies providing services in major cities of Pakistan. It was developed to cater the needs of people who were looking for a reliable, and accessible bus service in Pakistan that won’t cost them an arm and a leg. Roadmaster Multan to Rawalpindi departs daily from Multan terminal at various timings throughout the day. Roadmaster has maintained its image by providing top notch services. The Roadmaster Multan to Rawalpindi ticket price is 2,646/-PKR. So if you are planning to visit Rawalpindi, Roadmaster is the best transportation service out there.
Silk Line Multan to Rawalpindi
Silk Line has the latest fleets of buses which are loaded with amenities. Silk Line Multan to Rawalpindi operates daily from Vehari Chowk Multan terminal. It has been providing services in the transportation sector for many years and has won the trust of their customers by providing top notch services with amenities like AC, comfortable seats and free meals on board. Silk Line Multan to Rawalpindi bus ticket price is 2,350/-PKR, which is very economical considering the services they are providing. Silk Line is one of the best options to choose for traveling a long distance journey like Multan to Rawalpindi.
Multan to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
First thing to do when you are planning a trip is to get to know the ticket prices of all the bus services operating on that route. This way you can decide which bus company is suitable according to your budget and needs. Most bus ticket prices are dynamic but it's important to check out the ticket prices prior to booking your tickets. The average Multan to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices range between 2,300/-PKR to 3,000/-PKR. Given below is the complete list of all the Multan to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices. Take a look.
NOTE: ticket prices can change over time due to inflation so make sure you check the latest ticket prices on Bookme before booking your tickets.
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
2,646/-PKR | |
2,350/-PKR | |
2,200/-PKR | |
2,930/-PKR |
Multan to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
To make it easier for you, we have gathered a full schedule of buses operating from Multan to Rawalpindi on a daily basis. If you want more in depth information about bus timings you can also visit Bookme app. Multan to Rawalpindi bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Take a look.
NOTE: bus timings can vary due to uncertain factors like weather conditions so always check live timing on Bookme before booking your tickets for Multan to Rawalpindi journey.
Bus Service | Bus Timing |
Road Master Bus | 12:30 AM |
Road Master Bus | 04:45 PM |
Road Master Bus | 02:30 AM |
Road Master Bus | 06:45 PM |
Silk Line | 11:10 PM |
Silk Line | 08:00 AM |
Silk Line | 03:30 PM |
Silk Line | 12:30 PM |
Rajput Travels Rathore Group | 10:05 AM |
Daewoo Express | 11:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 01:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 08:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 10:00 PM |
Multan to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
If you want a seamless and easy way of booking your ticket that too from the comfort of your home, you have come to the right place. Bookme is an online e-ticketing platform where you can book your bus tickets without having to visit the bus station. To get Multan to Rawalpindi bus booking, you can download the Bookme app which is available for both ios and android. You can compare bus ticket prices, timings and amenities they provide all at one place. After browsing everything you can select seats of your choice and pay for your tickets through multiple online payment methods provided by Bookme which includes jazzcash,easypaisa, debit/credit card and bank transfer. After payment you will receive a confirmation email or text message with your travel details and you will get an e-ticket which allows you to travel from Multan to Rawalpindi. So get your tickets now from Bookme and enjoy a pleasant journey.