{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus 

The Multan to Sadiqabad journey takes about 3 hours and 28 minutes to complete if you travel by road. The most economical option for traveling from one city to another is traveling by bus. The Multan to Sadiqabad bus provides transportation services throughout the day and these bus services are available on Bookme. The distance between the two cities is approximately 274.7 kilometers. The Multan to Sadiqabad bus covers this distance in less than 4 hours by traveling through the Sukkur-Multan Motorway/M5. If you are looking for cheap bus services to travel from Multan to Sadiqabad, then just browse through this page and book your tickets right away!

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus Ticket Price

Bus ticket prices for Multan to Sadiqabad often vary due to different bus services offering different price ranges. On Bookme, the Multan to Sadiqabad bus ticket price starts at 1,990/- PKR. To make it more convenient, take a look at the price table for the Multan to Sadiqabad bus mentioned below. 

(NOTE: bus prices might vary so always check live ticket prices on Bookme.)

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express

1,990/- PKR

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus Timing

The bus timings also differ on the basis of which bus service you choose to travel from. The Multan to Sadiqabad bus timings are available on Bookme or you can also check out the bus timings mentioned below. 

(NOTE: Bus timings might vary so always check live bus timings on Bookme.)

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus 



Daewoo Express

03:15 AM

06:45 AM

Daewoo Express

05:15 PM

08:45 PM

Multan to Sadiqabad Bus Booking

Forget the old traditions of going all the way to bus stations just to get a bus ticket. With Bookme you can get tickets from anywhere you want without having to spend an extra dime. Get a Multan to Sadiqabad bus booking by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. Search up your route and select everything according to your preference. Pay for your ticket by any online payment medium you want, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. The choice is yours. Book your tickets now and get ready for a hassle-free journey!