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Okara to Multan Bus
The Okara to Multan road distance is 245.4 kilometers. This distance can be traveled in a number of ways, but the most popular one is traveling by bus. The bus ticket prices are cheap and also they provide a comfortable ride. If you are looking for affordable options, then you are at the right place. We have all the Okara to Multan buses available in one place. The Okara to Multan bus covers the distance between the two cities in 3 hours and 29 minutes. So just browse the page and book your tickets at affordable prices without any hassle.
Okara to Multan Bus Ticket Price
Usually, bus services have different ticket prices because of the different amenities they offer on board. If you go for a more luxurious option, the bus ticket price would be much higher than a regular bus ticket. The Okara to Multan bus ticket price starts at 1,020/- PKR.
(NOTE: Check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Okara to Multan Bus | Ticket Price |
1,020/- PKR |
Okara to Multan Bus Timing
Bus timings change over time due to different bus schedules so it's better to check bus timings before booking your ticket. The Okara to Multan bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Take a look and book tickets at the time you prefer.
(NOTE: Check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Okara to Multan Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 10:30 AM | 02:10 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:15 PM | 08:55 PM |
Daewoo Express | 07:40 PM | 11:00 PM |
Okara to Multan Bus Booking
Bookme has made it possible to browse different bus services and compare their ticket prices while ensuring a seamless bus booking experience. The Okara to Multan bus booking can be done through the Bookme app or the Bookme website. You can browse the route and decide on the bus service of your choice. Pay for your ticket through any online payment method you want, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. The choice is yours. So book your tickets now!