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Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus
The two cities, Peshawar and Abbottabad, are separated by a distance of 199.7 kilometers. The most common way to travel between the two cities is traveling by bus, as it is not only economical but also a very convenient and comfortable way to travel. The Peshawar to Abbottabad bus covers the distance between the two cities in 2 hours and 49 minutes. Planning a trip is never easy but with Bookme as your traveling partner, you don't have to worry about anything! Browse through this page and get the latest information regarding the Peshawar to Abbottabad bus.
Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus Ticket Price
You can avail yourself of discounted bus ticket prices on Bookme. Usually, the Peshawar to Abbottabad bus ticket price starts at 1,000/- PKR only. For more information regarding the Peshawar to Abbottabad bus ticket prices, check out the table given below.
(NOTE: check live bus ticket prices on Bookme before booking.)
Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus | Ticket Price |
1,000/- PKR |
Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus Timing
Deciding the time of your travel is the most crucial part of planning a trip. So to make it easier for you, we have mentioned all the available Peshawar to Abbottabad bus timings in the table mentioned below; take a look.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme before booking.)
Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM | 11:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 12:30 PM | 03:20 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:00 PM | 06:50 PM |
Peshawar to Abbottabad Bus Booking
Booking a bus seat can be quite a hassle if you don't use the right medium. But with a platform like Bookme, you don't have to worry. Get any bus ticket you want without visiting any bus station or standing in line. Bookme provides a convenient and on-tap solution to all your bus booking problems. Get the Peshawar to Abbottabad bus booking within a few minutes by downloading the Bookme app or visiting the Bookme website. Bookme gives you the power to choose the bus service, bus ticket prices, and seats of your own preference. Pay through any online medium you want, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, or bank transfers. So what are you waiting for? Book your tickets now and get ready for a comfortable ride with Bookme as your traveling companion.