{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus

Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, gets a lot of visitors from all around the country. Peshawar, which lies about 186.9 kilometers away from Islamabad, is also one of the significant cities of Pakistan, and several people visit Islamabad from Peshawar on a daily basis. If you take the Peshawar to Islamabad bus, the distance between the two cities can be traveled in 2 hours and 30 minutes. Bus services like Daewoo Express operate all day on this route and you can easily get its booking through Bookme. Bookme has all the Peshawar to Islamabad buses available on its site, so browse through this page and get your tickets now. 

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus Ticket Price

Bus ticket prices can vary due to uncertain factors like inflation, or they might change over time by the bus services themselves, so you have to keep checking the live ticket prices on Bookme before booking. The Peshawar to Islamabad bus ticket price starts at 840/- PKR. Take a look at the table mentioned below for Peshawar to Islamabad bus ticket prices.

(NOTE: ticket prices might vary.)

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express

840/- PKR

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus Timing

Deciding the bus timings before booking your tickets is essential for a smooth booking and a comfortable travel experience. Take a look at the Peshawar to Islamabad bus timings mentioned in the table below or browse it on Bookme.

(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus



Daewoo Express

09:00 AM

10:55 AM

Daewoo Express

09:15 AM

11:15 AM

Daewoo Express

11:30 AM

02:05 PM

Daewoo Express

07:30 PM

09:25 PM

Peshawar to Islamabad Bus Booking 

Get the bus booking of your choice without any extra hassle. Download the Bookme app or visit the website to get Peshawar to Islamabad bus booking. Search up the route, choose the date & time of your choice, pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer, and your booking is done. So book your tickets now and forget the hassle of bus booking!