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Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus
Two of the most significant cities of Pakistan, Peshawar and Rawalpindi, are separated by a distance of 187.6 kilometers. The most common commute being used to cover this distance is taking a local transport, i.e., bus. Pakistan has a huge bus transportation system, as it is one of the most preferable modes of transportation being used by people to travel from one city to another. If you take the Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus, it will take approximately 2 hours and 48 minutes. There are several buses available on this route that operate daily and you can easily book bus tickets for them on Bookme. To make it more convenient for you, we have mentioned all the essential information you need to book the Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus on this page. Take a look.
Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
Bus ticket prices vary from time to time because of factors like inflation and other uncertain circumstances. So it's better to check the ticket prices of all the buses available on that route so you can get the best deal. The Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus ticket price starts at 840/- PKR. Given below is more detailed information regarding the Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus.
(NOTE: Check live ticket prices on Bookme before booking a ticket.)
Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus | Ticket Price |
840 PKR |
Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
You can search for bus timings on the online portal Bookme or you can take a look at the Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus timing table mentioned below. Bus timings are set by the transportation company itself, so they can vary from time to time.
(NOTE: Bus timings might vary so always check live timings on Bookme.)
Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 09:55 AM |
Daewoo Express | 09:15 AM | 11:15 AM |
Daewoo Express | 04:00 PM | 05:55 PM |
Peshawar to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
Get seamless bus booking without visiting hundreds of different websites or standing in long lines at the bus station. Bookme allows you to browse any bus service you want. For Peshawar to Rawalpindi bus booking, just enter your departure and arrival details, select the date of your travel and press search. Choose the bus service and ticket prices of your choice and pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. And within a few minutes, you will receive an e-ticket and you can travel without any inconvenience.