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Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus
Rashakai and Abbottabad are separated by a distance of 147.4 kilometers. Abbottabad is located in the Hazara division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Abbottabad is one of the significant cities of Pakistan, as it holds some of the major natural resources. You can travel to Abbottabad by driving all the way there by yourself in your personal vehicle or you can opt for public transportation. Many people prefer to travel by bus, as not only does it take less time but it is also a convenient and cheap way to travel from one city to another. If you opt for the Rashakai to Abbottabad bus, the distance between the two cities can be covered in 2 hours and 3 minutes. Booking the bus tickets for Rashakai to Abbottabad is very convenient thanks to Bookme. You can browse through this page to get information regarding the Rashakai to Abbottabad bus.
Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus Ticket Price
Bus ticket prices vary greatly, as many bus transportation companies charge more due to the amenities available on board. On Bookme, the Rashakai to Abbottabad ticket price starts at 990/- PKR. For more information, check out the Rashakai to Abbottabad bus ticket prices given in the table below.
(NOTE: ticket prices might change so check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus | Ticket Price |
990/- PKR |
Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus Timing
In order to get tickets on time, it's essential to browse the bus timings so you get to know the exact schedule of bus services. To make it convenient for you, given below are all the available Rashakai to Abbottabad bus timings. Take a look.
(NOTE: bus timings might change so check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:40 AM | 11:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 01:10 PM | 03:20 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:40 PM | 06:50 PM |
Rashakai to Abbottabad Bus Booking
Tired of visiting hundreds of different sites just to get a bus ticket? Well, you don't have to worry anymore! Get Rashakai to Abbottabad bus booking within a few minutes from the comfort of your home. The Bookme seamless bus booking service makes sure you get your e-tickets within a few minutes without any extra hassle. Just add your next destination in Bookme’s online search bar, choose the bus service, date & time of your travel, and book your tickets right away. Bookme has multiple online payment methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers as well. So pay through any of your preferred payment methods and get tickets without any inconvenience.