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Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus
Rawalpindi is one of the significant cities of Pakistan and hundreds of people travel to Rawalpindi on a daily basis. Rashakai lies about 132.2 kilometers away from Rawalpindi. Bus services like Daewoo Express have been operating on this route 4 to 5 times a day. The Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus covers the distance between two cities in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Traveling by bus is not only convenient but also budget-friendly. Bookme has all the available bus services operating on this route so if you are planning a trip to Rawalpindi, we are here to help you. Just browse through this page and you will find all the helpful information regarding the Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus.
Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus Ticket Price
The Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus ticket price starts at 820/- PKR. These ticket prices are available on Bookme and you can check the latest ticket prices before booking your ticket. Also, the Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus ticket prices are mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: bus ticket prices might change over time.)
Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus | Ticket Price |
Daewoo Express | 820/- PKR |
Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus Timing
The bus timings must be decided at least a day before you travel so you can get tickets without any inconvenience for your preferred time. The Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus timings are mentioned in the table below. So take a look at the table and decide the time of your travel.
(NOTE: bus timings might change over time.)
Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:45 AM | 11:35 AM |
Daewoo Express | 12:15 PM | 02:05 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:45 PM | 06:35 PM |
Daewoo Express | 08:15 PM | 10:05 PM |
Rashakai to Rawalpindi Bus Booking
Worrying about not getting bus tickets at the last minute? Well, we have got you covered. Download the Bookme app or visit the Bookme website to get Rashakai to Rawalpindi bus booking. Select the date and time of your travel and book tickets by paying for them through an online payment method. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, or bank transfers as well. So book your tickets now and forget all the hassle of ticket booking.