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Rawalpindi to Barikot Bus
The Rawalpindi to Barikot road distance is 213.4 kilometers. Barikot lies in the middle course of the Swat River in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. People traveling on a daily basis are always looking for cheaper and convenient modes of transportation, and one of the best ways to travel from one city to another is by bus. If you are planning a trip to Barikot and want to travel without any inconvenience, you have come to the right place. The Rawalpindi to Barikot bus takes approximately 3 hours and 4 minutes to cover the distance between these two cities. The information regarding the Rawalpindi to Barikot bus is available on this page. Take a look and get your tickets without any hassle.
Rawalpindi to Barikot Ticket Price
The bus ticket prices vary due to different bus services having different ticket price ranges. It can alter due to the amenities present on some bus services, like AC, entertainment, etc. So browse the bus ticket prices before booking your tickets to get the best deal. On Bookme, the Rawalpindi to Barikot bus ticket price starts at 1,120/- PKR. You can also browse the Rawalpindi to Barikot bus ticket price from the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary.)
Rawalpindi to Barikot Bus | Ticket Price |
1,120/- PKR |
Rawalpindi to Barikot Bus Timing
If you want to secure the best seats at economical ticket prices, then it's important to browse the bus timings of your route prior to your actual day of travel. You can borrow the Rawalpindi to Barikot from the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary.)
Rawalpindi to Barikot Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 11:10 AM |
Daewoo Express | 01:00 PM | 04:10 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:30 PM | 07:40 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:00 PM | 07:40 PM |
Rawalpindi to Barikot Bus Booking
The last but most important part of planning a trip is booking bus tickets. With Bookme you can get bus tickets from anywhere you want without facing any inconvenience. Download the Bookme app or visit the Bookme website to get Rawalpindi to Barikot bus booking. Just enter the route of your choice, select the date & time, choose the bus service of your choice, and book your seat. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, or bank transfers as well. So get your booking now and forget the hassle of bus booking.