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Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus
Batkela is a small town located in the Malakand division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The road distance between Rawalpindi and Batkhela is about 203.2 kilometers, which can be covered in 2 hours and 59 minutes by taking the Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus. The bus operates from Rawalpindi bus station throughout the day at different times. If you are planning to travel from Rawalpindi to Batkhela and looking for economical bus service options, we have got you covered. The details regarding the Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus are mentioned below; take a look and book your tickets right away.
Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus Ticket Price
In order to get economical ticket prices, you should always browse different bus services so you can compare the ticket prices and get the best deal. Usually the Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus ticket price starts at 1,000/- PKR. You can also browse the live ticket prices for Rawalpindi to Batkhela on Bookme.
(NOTE: ticket prices might vary so check live prices on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus | Ticket Price |
1,000/- PKR |
Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus Timing
The Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus timings are set to cater to everyone traveling on different schedules. But bus timings often vary so it is important to look up the bus timings and decide the timing of your travel. The Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus timings are mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary, so check live timings on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 10:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 01:00 PM | 03:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:30 PM | 07:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:00 PM | 07:00 PM |
Rawalpindi to Batkhela Bus Booking
With Bookme’s seamless bus booking services, you can get a Rawalpindi to Batkhela bus booking in just a few clicks. Enter your departure and arrival details, enter the date of your travel day, and hit search. Choose the bus service from the available bus services, check ticket prices & timings, and pay for your booking through an online payment medium. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. Within a few minutes, you will receive an e-ticket and you are all set to travel.