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Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus
Rawalpindi is the fourth most populous city in the Punjab province and is quite popular by the name of “City of Wrestlers.”. The distance from Rawalpindi to Gujranwala is about 212.4 kilometers, which can be covered in 4 hours and 5 minutes by taking the Rawalpindi to Gujranwala bus. The Rawalpindi to Gujranwala buses operate at least 10 to 12 times a day, so there are plenty of buses you can choose from. All the Rawalpindi to Gujranwala bus services are available on Bookme and you can look up their ticket prices and bus timings on this page as well.
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus Ticket Price
The best way to get a cheap ticket is to browse different bus services and compare their ticket prices and then choose the one that suits your budget. On Bookme, the Rawalpindi to Gujranwala bus ticket prices start at 1,440/- PKR.
(NOTE: Check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus | Ticket Price |
1,440/- PKR |
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus Timing
The bus timings depend on the bus transportation company, as the timings are decided by them. Check the Rawalpindi to Gujranwala bus timings mentioned below or search it up on Bookme.
(NOTE: Check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 06:00 AM | 10:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 07:00 AM | 11:50 AM |
Daewoo Express | 11:45 AM | 03:50 PM |
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Bus Booking
You can get any bus booking you want; just download the Bookme app or visit the Bookme website. The Rawalpindi to Gujranwala bus booking services are available on Bookme; just search the route and select the bus service of your choice. You can choose bus ticket prices, timings, and seats of your own choice. Bookme also offers various online payment methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers. Pay however you want and get tickets within a few minutes.