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Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus
The road distance between Rawalpindi and Kharian is 134.8 kilometers. People usually opt for public transport as it is the most economical and convenient option. The Rawalpindi to Kharian bus takes about 3 hours and 4 minutes to cover the distance between the two cities. The Grand Trunk Road links Rawalpindi and Kharian, providing a direct route between the two cities. If you are planning to visit Kharian and looking for budget-friendly options to travel, then we are here to help you. The Rawalpindi to Kharian bus ticket prices, timings and booking process are mentioned below. Take a look and book tickets without any extra hassle.
Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus Ticket Price
On Bookme, the Rawalpindi to Kharian bus ticket price starts at 1,050/- PKR. For more information regarding the Rawalpindi to Kharian bus ticket price, take a look at the price table mentioned below.
(NOTE: Bus ticket prices might change so check live prices on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus | Ticket Price |
1,050/- PKR |
Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus Timing
Bus timings change quite often due to weather conditions or other uncertain factors so it's better to check the bus timings at least two days prior to your bus booking so you can get tickets on time. The Rawalpindi to Kharian bus timings are mentioned in the table below. Take a look.
(NOTE: Bus timings might vary so check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 06:00 AM | 09:20 AM |
Daewoo Express | 07:00 AM | 10:20 AM |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM | 11:20 AM |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM | 12:20 PM |
Daewoo Express | 12:00 PM | 03:20 PM |
Rawalpindi to Kharian Bus Booking
Get tickets for any bus service you want from the comfort of your home through Bookme. The Rawalpindi to Kharian bus booking can be done through the Bookme app or website. Search up the route on Bookme, select the date & time and pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card or bank transfer. You will receive an e-ticket and you can travel without any inconvenience.