Rawalpindi and Lahore surely have a lot of distance between them. And one of the best ways to cover this distance is by boarding a train. It is affordable and comfortable at the same time. Set on a journey to Lahore from Rawalpindi by booking a train.
Whether you prefer to travel at night or during the day, you can find trains for both times. Rawal Express and Subak Kharam are two popular trains for this route. You can book seats on Economy, AC Lower, AC Business, and Parlor Car depending on your preference.
For an exciting and hassle-free experience, you can book Rawalpindi to Lahore tickets from Bookme straight from your phone.
Rawalpindi to Lahore Train Timing
Check out the schedules for usual and non-stop Rawalpindi to Lahore trains (Subak Kharam and Rawal Express) in the following:
Subak Kharam Train Schedule
Train Station | Departure | Arrival |
Rawalpindi | 16:30 | - |
Chak Lala | 16:40 | 16:38 |
Gujar Khan | 17:22 | 17:20 |
Jhelum | 18:33 | 18:31 |
Lala Musa Jn. | 19:17 | 19:15 |
Gujrat | 19:36 | 19:34 |
Wazirabad Jn. | 19:58 | 19:56 |
Gujranwala | 20:27 | 20:25 |
Lahore Jn. | - | 21:35 |
Rawal Express Train Timing
Train Station | Departure | Arrival |
Rawalpindi | 00:30 | - |
Lahore | - | 04:40 |
Prices for Rawalpindi to Lahore Tickets
Consult the tables below to learn about the prices of Rawalpindi to Lahore tickets.
(Note: These prices may be increased at the time of your booking because of inflation and other factors)
For Subak Kharam
(Note: By prices, we mean prices starting from)
Class | Prices |
Economy | PKR 867 |
AC Lower | PKR 1428 |
AC Business | PKR 1530 |
Parlor Car | PKR 1785 |
For Rawal Express
Class | Prices |
Economy | PKR 867 |
AC Lower | PKR 1428 |
AC Business | PKR 1530 |
Parlor Car | PKR 1785 |
Rawalpindi to Lahore Online Train Booking
The process of booking Rawalpindi to Lahore is super easy with Bookme. In just a few clicks, you can confirm your booking and make payments. Book your tickets now on the country’s number 1 ticket booking platform.