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Rawalpindi to Multan Bus
The distance between Rawalpindi and Multan is approximately 524.8 kilometers. To cover the said distance, there are various modes of transportations, one of which is traveling by bus. Rawalpindi to Multan bus operates daily from the Rawalpindi bus station throughout the day. If you are opting for the Rawalpindi to Multan bus then the distance between these two cities can be covered in 5 hours and 52 minutes. Traveling by bus has its own perks as it is one of the most economical and comfortable ways of traveling.
There are multiple bus services operating on a daily basis between the two cities and if you are wondering which one is the best option then you are at the right place. Given below is the full information about the Rawalpindi to Multan bus, their timings and ticket prices as well so take a look and decide what's best for you.
Roadmaster Rawalpindi to Multan
One of the most recognized and elite bus services operating in Pakistan is Roadmaster. Roadmaster bus service provides services all over Pakistan. It has made its name by providing premium level services with buses full of essential amenities like AC, comfortable seats and trained staff on board. Roadmaster Rawalpundi to Multan bus service operates daily on different timing throughout the day. The ticket price of Roadmaster Rawalpindi to Multan is about 2,646/-PKR. So if you are planning to travel from Rawalpindi to Multan, Roadmaster is the best option to choose.
Silk Line Rawalpindi to Multan
Silk Line has been providing transportation services for many years and has maintained the image of premium bus service among its customers. Silk Line offers all the essential services which make your travel experience pleasant and comfortable. From having comfortable seats to having free meals on board, Silk Line has it all. It has been operating in multiple cities of Pakistan. Silk Line Rawalpindi to Multan provides services throughout the day at different timings. If you are looking forward to a comfortable travel experience, Silk Line is one of the best buses to opt for. The Silk Line Rawalpindi to Multan bus service ticket price is 2,200/-PKR.
Rawalpindi to Multan Bus Ticket Price
If you are traveling from Rawalpindi to Multan by bus, it's best to know the bus ticket prices beforehand so you can decide which bus service aligns best with your budget and needs. Some bus services also offer luxury bus seating which is known as business class and has more amenities than a regular economy class so you can check out the prices of both and decide what suits you. Rawalpindi to Multan bus ticket prices range between 2,100/-PKR to 3,000/-PKR. These prices are provided by the bus companies and can change over time.
NOTE: prices can vary so make sure to check out the live ticket prices of Rawalpindi to Multan at Bookme before booking your ticket.
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
Road Master Bus | 2,646/-PKR |
Silk Line | 2,200/-PKR |
Crystal Lines | 2,500/-PKR |
Daewoo Express | 2,800/-PKR |
Rawalpindi to Multan Bus Timing
Bus timing depends on the bus service you are opting for as all the transportation companies have their own schedule. It's important to get to know the bus timing prior to booking your tickets to avoid any last minute inconvenience. Rawalpindi to Multan bus timings are dynamic and you can check out the full bus schedule in the table given below. Several bus services operate from Rawalpindi to Multan throughout the day so there are multiple timings of bus departure. Take a look and decide which time is feasible for you to travel.
NOTE: bus timings can change due to uncertain circumstances so make sure to check out the live Rawalpindi to Multan bus timings on Bookme.
Bus Service | Bus Timing |
Road Master Bus | 09:15 AM |
Road Master Bus | 05:00 PM |
Road Master Bus | 11:15 AM |
Road Master Bus | 02:45 AM |
Silk Line | 01:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 11:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 11:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 01:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 05:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 09:45 PM |
Daewoo Express | 11:44 PM |
Rawalpindi to Multan Bus Booking
In order to get a seamless and easy bus booking experience, Bookme offers online ticketing services which are accessible to both android and ios users. By downloading the Bookme app or by simply visiting the Bookme website you can book tickets from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is enter the details regarding your travel plan, the city you are traveling to, expected date of your travel and then you can proceed to select the timing, ticket prices from the multiple bus services available on Bookme. You can browse all the bus services, compare their amenities, ticket prices and make the best decision for yourself. After that you can pay for your ticket through online payment methods such as jazzcash, easypaisa, debit/credit card and bank transfer. After payment you will receive a confirmation text or the email on the credentials you provided and you are all set to travel with an e-ticket.