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Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus
Rawalpindi and Toba Tek Singh are separated by a road distance of 386.0 kilometers. Toba Tek Singh lies in the Punjab Province of Pakistan, and several people travel back and forth from Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh on a daily basis. The best way to travel between these two cities is by taking a bus. The Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus takes approximately 4 hours and 29 minutes. Traveling by bus is not only economical but also very convenient. You can get a Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus booking through Bookme. Avail amazing deals and discounts on bus ticket prices, as well as a seamless bus booking experience only on Bookme. So browse through this page and book your tickets right away!
Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus Ticket Price
Browse bus ticket prices on Bookme to get the best deals and discounts for your traveling. The Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus ticket price starts at 2,100/- PKR. For your convenience, we have mentioned Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus ticket prices of different bus services in the table below. Take a look.
(NOTE: Check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus | Ticket Price |
2,200/- PKR | |
2,100/- PKR |
Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus Timing
To have hassle-free bus booking, it's important to browse bus timings and decide what time suits your schedule the best so you can get tickets at that time. For your convenience, we have mentioned all the available Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus timings below. Take a look.
(NOTE: check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Raja Travels 99 | 08:45 PM | 01:35 AM |
Daewoo Express | 08:30 AM | 01:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 09:00 AM | 01:30 PM |
Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh Bus Booking
The old-school methods of bus booking are long gone. Now you can book tickets from the comfort of your home with all your preferred choices. Get Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh bus booking within a few minutes through Bookme. Search up the route on Bopkme’s online portal and select the date of your travel. Choose bus timing and proceed to pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer.