{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Rawat to Gujrat Bus

Rawat is located near the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. The road distance between Rawat and Gujrat is about 174.8 kilometers, which can be covered in 2 hours and 43 minutes by taking the Rawat to Gujrat bus. The Rawat to Gujrat bus departs after every hour throughout the day. You can easily find the booking of the Rawat to Gjrat bus on Bookme. Just browse through this page and you will find all the Rawat to Gujrat bus service ticket prices, bus timings, and booking process. Take a look and get your bus booking done right away. 

Rawat to Gujrat Bus Ticket Price 

The ticket prices of bus services are often economical compared to other modes of transportation. On Bookme, the Rawat to Gujrat bus ticket price starts at 1,150/- PKR. You can take a look at the Rawat to Gujrat bus ticket price mentioned in the table below. These ticket prices might vary so for the latest price information, browse Bookme. 

(NOTE: ticket prices are subject to change so check live prices on Bookme.)

Rawat to Gujrat Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express 

1,150/- PKR

Rawat to Gujrat Bus Timing

The bus timings often vary due to different bus schedules. It is important to check bus timings before booking so you can compare the bus schedules of different bus services and get the tickets for the time you choose. The Rawat to Gujrat bus timings are mentioned in the table below. These bus timings might vary so for the latest bus schedules, browse Bookme.

(NOTE: bus timings are subject to change, so check live bus timings on Bookme.)

Rawat to Gujrat Bus 



Daewoo Express 

07:20 AM

09:55 AM

Daewoo Express 

10:20 AM

12:55 PM

Daewoo Express 

03:20 PM

05:55 PM

Daewoo Express 

07:20 PM

09:55 PM

Rawat to Gujrat Bus Booking

Getting a bus booking from the comfort of your home has become a reality thanks to Bookme. Get the Rawat to Gujrat bus booking in just a few minutes without having to visit the bus station and stand in long queues. Download the Bookme app or visit the Bookme website to get seamless bus booking. Enter the city of your departure and arrival, choose the date & time, choose the bus service, and book your ticket after paying for it through any online medium you want. You can pay through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, and bank transfer as well. So get your booking now and forget the hassle of typical bus booking.