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Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus
Shah Maqsood is located almost 438.7 kilometers away from Lahore. It takes approximately 5 hours and 7 minutes to cover this distance if you travel through Shah Maqsood to Lahore by bus. The bus services operating on this route provide top-notch services, and you can travel comfortably without spending large amounts of money. To get a booking for Shah Maqsood to the Lahore bus, browse through this page, get to know the bus ticket process, bus timings, and book your tickets without any inconvenience.
Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus Ticket Price
The ticket prices for bus services operating locally are mostly economical. You can browse any bus service ticket prices on Bookme. Usually, the Shah Maqsood to Lahore bus ticket price starts at 2,460/- PKR. For more information, you can check out the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: Ticket prices might change so always check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus | Ticket Price |
2,460/- PKR |
Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus Timing
Bus services like Daewoo Express operate at least 2 to 3 times a day from Shah Maqsood to Lahore. You can browse the bus timings on Bookme or take a look at the table mentioned below for Shah Maqsood to Lahore bus timings.
(NOTE: Bus timings might change so always check live bus timings on Bookme.)
Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus | Departure | Arrival |
Daewoo Express | 09:45 AM | 03:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 01:45 PM | 07:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 04:45 PM | 10:00 PM |
Shah Maqsood to Lahore Bus Booking
Forget the hassle of getting last-minute bus bookings and worrying about seat selection when you have a platform like Bookme. You can get Shah Maqsood to Lahore bus booking within a few minutes through Bookme’s app or website. Search the route of your choice, select the date & time, and pay for your ticket through JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, or bank transfer. Within a few minutes, you will have the confirmation of your bus booking and you can travel without any hassle.