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Sialkot to Lahore Bus Ticket Price
The bus route connecting Sialkot to Lahore is one of the important links in M-2. The distance between these two major cities is approximately 192 kilometers which is a 2 hour journey. The most common way to travel between these two cities is by taking a bus. The bus ticket price from Sialkot to Lahore is 1,030 PKR per person.
Bus ticket prices mainly depend on the bus transportation company and the services they are providing like air conditioning, meals and comfortable seats.
You can always get all the information about a certain bus service through Bookme.pk. You can compare prices, select the services you want for your journey and book your ticket.
(NOTE: buses fare may vary so make sure to check live prices on Bookme.pk )
Bus Service | Ticket Price |
Daewoo Express | PKR 1,030 |
Sialkot to Lahore Bus Service
While traveling, everyone's top most priority is to have a comfortable journey. It can depend on the mode of transportation you are choosing and what services they are providing to make your journey easy. There are numerous buses going back and forth from Sialkot to Lahore and vice versa.
Take a look at the bus services given below operating from sialkot to lahore.
Daewoo Sialkot to Lahore
Daewoo express is one the most efficient and fast service going from sialkot to lahore. With its reliable service and economical ticket prices, daewoo express is one the of the most popular bus services to travel from sialkot to lahore. They have all the essential amenities like air conditioning, comfortable seats and charging ports. The ticket price of daewoo express service from sialkot to lahore is 1,030 PKR per person for one side journey.
You can avail all the information about Daewoo express on the Bookme app and website. Bookme also provides discounts on tickets and return tickets as well. You can claim all these benefits by just visiting Bookme.pk.
Sialkot to Lahore Bus Timing
After selecting the bus ticket price,the next thing is to check the available bus timings and selecting which timing suits you the best. Bus timings may vary depending on which bus company you choose and other factors might affect it e.g weather conditions.
Take a look at the time table of bus services in the table below:
(NOTE: timing may vary so make sure to check out the live timing while booking your ticket on Bookme app and website)
Bus Service | Bus Timing |
Daewoo Express | 08:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 10:30 AM |
Daewoo Express | 02:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 06:30 PM |
Daewoo Express | 08:30 PM |
Sialkot to Lahore Bus Booking
Booking a bus ticket can be a very time consuming and troublesome task. Going to the bus station, waiting in lines just to get a bus ticket sounds too hectic. What if you can get an e-ticket just by clicking on an app and also do your payments through online methods? How convenient would that be! You can do all that and more with the Bookme app and website in just a few clicks. Just go on Bookme website or install the app and choose your desired bus service with many great deals and discounts.
You can also pay for your ticket through easy paisa, jazz cash, debit/credit cards and bank transfer.